Want to become a millionaire at 40? The ultimate checklist !

Hello together,

With attention I read freaky 'Vincent' finance rather restrained blog entry in which he tells us that he is a millionaire.

At this point congratulations from me ! Honestly. Great performance. Respect.

And while I really envy Vincent on the one hand, besides the million, also about his great ideas with what you can make all the money, I wonder if this level of wealth is just for the privileged "technician at the DAX Group" or for anyone with enough discipline. and willingness to save is possible.

To do this, I did a few sample calculations and created the ultimate checklist from them.

All names are fictitious and similarities to living or dead persons are purely coincidental. Have fun.

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On my own: I am looking for guest authors for my financial blog

Hello together,

as you've probably noticed, apart from the weekly list of Levermann scores in this blog, things have become a little quieter.

Now, however, not every financial blog reader is a Levermann fan, it would be a bit presumptuous to expect.

Unfortunately, I currently lack the time to research and publish as many high-quality articles as I would like.

After the guest article by Mr. Schwarz about his research of the Levermann values has been so well received, I am looking for other guest authors who would like to write one or more articles on this blog.

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I bought Wirecard before the crash. What I learned from it.

Hello together,

last week Wednesday I bought in my stock wikifolio Wirecard.

The stock was just 3% down and seemed favorable to me, especially as I had been looking for another financial title for some time. So put in the depot with a good 5% weight and didn't think much about it.

I had a bad feeling, there was no news and the DAX was actually quite good.

But I couldn't pass a title that was already close to 200€ and now for 160€.

And then came Thursday: 15% tee shot in the lead. Sh**** . And now?

I reflected on my actions before and during the "crash" and thought about what I did right and what I did wrong.

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Christmas: The Long-Term Thought Year Review

Hello together,

it's tight on Christmas Eve and on TV, newspapers, the Internet and of course also in the blogger scene, the time of the annual review begins.

The 10 most unknown Celebrities of the Year, The 10 cutest cat videos of the year or the 10 stocks of the year are always popular topics.

On my side, too, you are not spared and I would like to take this opportunity to look back on the first few months of the site, share my expectations and plans for next year with you and oracle something about the financial markets in 2019.

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